Brown, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University entitled "Nearfield acoustic communication by ants". 布朗系昆虫学和植物病理学,密西西比州立大学的题为“近场声通信的蚂蚁”。
The technique of RAPD and its application in the studies of plant pathology; 并对此病的病因、发病机理、诊断和治疗方法等进行了探讨。
Exploration on Improving the Effect of General Plant Pathology Experiment 提高普通植物病理学实验教学效果探索
At this point it becomes useful to borrow some terms and ideas from plant pathology in which a crucial distinction is made between two kinds of infection. 在这一点上,可借用植物病理学的一些名词和概念,其中在两种侵染之间有严格的区分。
Courses may include human nutrition, agricultural economics, biotechnology, plant and animal genetics, plant pathology, molecular biology, and a variety of other disciplines. 课程的设置颇为丰富,有人类营养学,农业经济,生物技术,动植物基因技术,植物病理学,分子生物学和其他众多的分支学科。
Exploration of Experiment Teaching Methods of Agricultural Plant Pathology 《农业植物病理学》实验教学方法的探索
Reform and Exploration on the Teaching Practice of Plant Pathology 植物病理学课程教学实习的改革与探索
Application Research on AGA in Expert System of Plant Pathology AGA在植物病理专家系统中的应用研究
Studies on Development of Multimedia Courseware for General Plant Pathology 《普通植物病理学》多媒体课件的开发
A team of university professors in Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Entomology, regional and country extension agents. 该团队由园艺、植物病理学、昆虫学教授和地方、国家推广机构相关人员组成。
Exploration of Teaching Practice Pattern Combined Agricultural Entomology and Agricultural Plant Pathology 《农业昆虫学》和《农业植物病理学》联合教学实习模式的探索
Type specimens are deposited in Herbarium of Plant Pathology, South China Agricultural University. 模式标本保存于华南农业大学植物病理标本室。
Problems and settlements in the application of multimedia technique at practical teaching of plant pathology were also analyzed in this paper. 文章还分析了我校植物病理学实践教学利用多媒体技术面临的问题与解决办法。
Agricultural background preferable university graduate with major in horticulture or plant pathology. 具有农业经验,农业大学园艺或植物病理专业毕业。
The analysis of the citation of publications of Chinese Plant Pathology from 1993 to 2003 was conducted. 采用引文分析的方法,对植物病理学报10年内刊载研究论文的引用文献数量、年代、语种、类型和自引等进行了统计分析。
Application of computer technology in plant pathology 植物病理学研究中的计算机应用
Study of plant disease resistance is one of the key subjects of plant pathology and one of important aspects of research on interaction between host and pathogen, and plant immunology. 植物抗病性是当前植物病理学中研究的热点和难点之一,也是植物-病原物互作及植物免疫学研究的一个重要方面。
The interaction between hosts and pathogens was a hot spot in the field of plant pathology and the recognition between wheat and rusts was very important. 寄主-病原物互作是当今植物病理学研究的热点领域,而两者互作中的识别则是研究的重点。
Genomics Applied in Plant Pathology 基因组学在植物病理学中的应用
The interaction mechanism of flax and flax rust is the main research field in plant pathology. 亚麻与亚麻锈菌互作机制的研究,一直是植物病理研究的基础和重要内容。
This paper combined culture objective of plant protection speciality, and discussed the quality that teacher of plant pathology epidemiology must have and the methods of how to improve teaching quality in the plant protection speciality. 本文结合植物保护专业的培养目标,阐述了植物病害流行学课教师应具备的素质以及植物保护专业提高教学质量的方法与途径。
According to the concepts of modern plant pathology, the records about plant disease management measures in ancient literature are comprehensively reviewed culturally, physically and chemically separately in this paper. 本文从现代植物病理学观念出发,对我国古农学著作中关于植物病害治理措施的记载进行了评述,从栽培上的、物理的、化学的措施几个方面讨论了古代中国的植物病害治理。
A Citation Analysis of Chinese Plant Pathology from 1993 to 2003 《植物病理学报》1993-2003年的引文分析
Sustainable agriculture and plant pathology 持续农业和植物病理学
To employ both electrify teaching and object teaching methods, to combine theory with practice: making experiment materials is an important link in the construction of laboratory of plant pathology. 电化教学与实物教学并举,使理论与实践相结合;制作实验材料,是植病实验室建设的重要一环;
With the application of molecular biology in plant pathology, many plant resistance genes and avr genes of plant pathogen were cloned subsequently, which deepened the understanding of the function of plant resistance genes and the mechanism of plant resistance. 随着分子生物学在植物病理学上的广泛应用,许多病原物的无毒基因和植物抗病基因被克隆出来,加深了对植物抗病基因的功能和植物抗病机理的了解。
Strengthen Experimental and Practical Teaching of Plant Pathology to Improve the Teaching Quality 加强植物病理学实验实践教学,提高教学质量
And it was taken attention to research realms such as plant adversity physiology, plant pathology and plant breeding as well. 在植物逆境生理、植物病理和植物育种等研究领域被广泛关注。
This research aim to improve the plant resistance mechanism research in our country, control the extent of harm which caused by grey mold, and promote the development of plant pathology. 这对提高我国植物抗病机制的研究,控制保护地蔬菜灰霉病的危害,促进植物病理学发展具有重要的意义。